International Beer Day is a global celebration of beer which takes place on the first Friday of every August. This day is celebrated in pubs and breweries, all over the world. International Beer Day was founded by Jesse Avshalomov in 2007. International Beer Day was first celebrated on August 2008. On this day, raise a glass of beer to toast breweries and bartenders. Over 50 countries, 207 cities and six continents have been celebrating this amazing day by gathering their friends to enjoy the taste of beer. Initially, Beer day was celebrated on August 5. Later in 2012, the founders took a poll and set the day to the first Friday of August. For those who are new to this special day, we’ve listed some interesting facts on how to celebrate this International Beer Day.

Facts About International Beer Day

  • Beer is one of the oldest drinks that have been around the 6th millennium BC.
  • The art of brewing is said to date back about 5,000 years ago.
  • The study of beer and beer making is called as Zythology.
International Beer Day
  • The cold drink was first packaged in a 12-ounce aluminium can in 1959.
International Beer Day
Beer in 12-ounce Aluminium Can
  • While comparing other beers, Snake Venom is the world’s strongest beer with 67.5 per cent alcohol.
International Beer Day
Snake Venom Beer

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  • Cenosillicaphobia is a word for those who suffer from the fear of an empty beer glass.
International Beer Day
  • The Czech’s are the biggest beer fans in the world. They drink the most beer out of any nation. The Czech Republic is closely followed by Austria and Germany.
International Beer Day
Czech People
  • The USA and China are the top two brewing countries in the world.
  • Beer soup is one of the common breakfast in medieval Europe.
  • Vielle Bon Secours is the most expensive beer in the world. It costs around £700 a pint.
International Beer Day
Vielle Bon Secours

Just celebrate this special day by drinking any beers you like in your home or you can also celebrate this day by having a beer at your local bar or pub.

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